Meet the Team

Panos Zanelis
DentistBDS London (2005), MFDS RCS London (2008), MClinDent (2014)
GDC No. 86163
Panos qualified from Guy's, King's and St. Thomas' Dental School in 2005 with Honours and a Distinction in the Practice of Clinical Dentistry.
Following his graduation he spent two years in Suffolk where he worked in general practice for one year followed by another year in hospital as a senior house officer. He then relocated to London where he gained his Membership in the Faculty of Dental Surgeons of England.
Subsequently, Panos undertook further post-gradute studies and was awarded in 2014 with a Master's of Clinical Dentistry degree in the field of Prosthodontics by King's College London.
He has particular interest in the management of tooth wear and the implementation of conservative methods in the restoration of teeth by maximising the use of adhesive techniques and advances in dental materials.
He enjoys spending his spare time socialising with friends, keeping fit and exploring new interests.